October 2017 is SynCat’s Best Publication Month Ever with Manuscripts Accepted in Top Journals
SynCat Researchers have been very successful in publishing articles in high-impact journals this year. The following two articles were accepted in the month of October.
Impact Factors – Angewandte: 11.994; JACS: 13.858;
Angewandte Chemie (International Edition)
As we reported earlier on the website, Xi Liu’s TEM work appeared in Angewandte Chemie:
“New Insights into the Activation and Deactivation of Au/CeZrO4 in the Low-Temperature Water-Gas Shift Reaction”, coauthored by a team of scientists from Cardiff, SynCat@Beijing, and Lehigh University (UK).
Journal of the American Chemical Society
Yunzhe Jiao fought a fierce battle with a cross reviewer, but finally convinced the Editor of the Journal of the American Chemical Society that she was right. The “all SynCat article” in JACS is already available and citable on the ACS website:
“Photosystem II Acts as a Spin-controlled Electron Gate during Oxygen Formation and Evolution”
Yunzhe Jiao, Ryan Sharpe, Tingbin Lim, Hans Niemantsverdriet, Jose Gracia
[SynCat@Beijing, Synfuels China Technology Co. Ltd., Beijing, 101407, China.
SynCat@DIFFER, Syngaschem BV, 5600 HH Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
Congratulations and compliments to all coauthors involved!
Published on: December 1, 2017