A joint workshop of SynCat@Beijng and DENSsolutions
Huairou, Beijing. In an effort to disseminate knowledge of and facilitate scientific discussion about the use of environmental transmission electron microscopy in catalysis research, SynCat@Beijing hosted a workshop in collaboration with DENSsolutions on March 9, 2017. The Dutch enterprise DENSsolutions from Delft is a renowned manufacturer of environmental flow cells that allow TEM experiments with catalysts under gas flows at relevant reaction temperatures.
As he welcomed around 70 participants if the work shop, Dr Yong-Wang Li, CEO of Synfuels China, also shared his view on scientific progress: “There’s no pure science, science is to solve problems.” In this spirit, the audience enjoyed several high-profile presentations as well as an experimental demonstration of this technique in real-time, and got a taste for the unprecedented potential, that in-situ TEM has for unravelling, what is actually going on in a real catalytic reactor.
On the right: Dr Yong-Wang Li addressing the audience
Published on: April 19, 2017